• E-mail : hubnest@gmail.com

HubNest Uganda Online Institute Of Sciences

Welcome to HUBNEST Uganda online institute of sciences, founded 2019. We are a Christian Training and Education Center of Excellence committed to development of individuals to their full potential through the use of E-learning centered approaches. We inculcate in learners discipline, professionalism, leadership and stewardship in line with our Christian principles.

Education fosters capacity building and independence whereas training is a narrower concept which tends to focus on the development of specific skills. Learning is an outcome of both training and education is greater than the simple transfer of knowledge from the educator to the learner.

At HUBNEST Uganda, you’ll join a community of outstanding academics who share your passion for your subject and are committed to helping you learn and develop and, in time, become an expert in your own right.

Our Curriculum combined with an unparalleled range of opportunities that complement your study, means you can make your time with us a unique experience: one that is shaped around your individual goals, interests and career ambitions.

We want to inspire you to be part of the next generation of highly skilled, critical thinkers –shaping the world around you in years to come.

We’ll work closely with you to ensure we meet your expectations, respond to your feedback and let you know what we expect in return. Our approach to learning and teaching is to develop your knowledge and skills, so you become an enquiring and critical thinker. You’ll learn how to define problems and how to go about finding answers – skills highly valued. You’ll be encouraged to engage with ethical issues in your subject area and understand its global and cultural influence.

From day one, you’ll be taught by outstanding, qualified, experienced and inspirational academics working at the forefront of their fields; with hands-on experience in your respective field. You’ll be actively engaged in learning through a combination of learning materials seminars and tutorials, with additional time allocated to private study, project work, laboratory practical or fieldwork.

Our approaches support learners to develop high order thinking skills and to use current evidence to solve real life challenges.

The following principles underpin our Program design, delivery and management:

  • We upholds high ethics and professional standards and these will be demonstrated in all our dealings with students and staff.
  • Our teachers are facilitators of learning and their role is to provide a framework for study.
  • Learning is directly linked to service delivery/improvement: Learning involves not just information but also skills and attitudes. Learning implies change. Sometimes change means recognizing attitudes that inhibit learning.


We lead and deliver quality programs that are internationally competitive. This is championed by a professional team with outstanding experience in the various fields and educational environment for learning. We guarantee a learning environment that enables our learners tap into their innate power and excel in their respective fields.

Our teachers provide ample and conducive learning environment with enough space to all our learners.

Our the Mandate.

  • Teaching and learning: to equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes for leadership in quality Systems Management
  • Research: to generate evidence for the transformation of Health Service delivery Systems.
  • Community empowerment: to promote Community health through capacity building.

Our Core Values

These include:-

  • The student should be at the center of each decision.
  • Integrity, honesty and respect are paramount in all aspect of Virtual operations.
  • Courses must be engaging and interactive with rigorous standards-based content to meet the diverse educational needs of the students.
  • Students, parents, and sponsors should be active partners in the process.
  • All students, parents, teachers and sponsors are accountable for their role in the educational process.
  • Continuous examination is vital to program improvement.
  • To be professionalism, integrity, innovation, excellence


  • Focus on the individual success of each student and tailor courses/instruction to students’ educational needs.
  • Provide students with access to Advanced Placement™ and specialized courses, which may not be offered at their traditional brick and mortar school in order to promote educational equality.
  • Provide an alternative to students who may not be able to complete their high school education without access to flexible options, i.e. students with children, students with mitigating work schedules/circumstances, students with disabilities or medical issues, etc.
  • Provide credit recovery courses for students.
  • Provide students with a 21st century education to make them competitive in the workforce after their high school graduation or in their pursuit of a degree from a higher education institution.

Policy Priorities

  • Youth Development
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Governance and Accountability
  • Information and Communication
  • Quality Education and Training
  • Stakeholder Engagement

Priority Policies

  • Technology in Education and Administration
  • Differentiated Instruction for effective teaching and learning
  • Youth Development and Career Advancement Efficiency in Public Information and Communication

Our Strategic School Goal

  • To provide knowledge and facilitate learning
  • To conduct research, promote scholarship and publicize knowledge.
  • To attract develop and retain staff.
  • To provide an enabling atmosphere for students to learn.
  • To ensure appropriate students welfare.
  • To encourage corporate social responsibility through Outreach programmes.

Current perspective

Our regional influence and long standing time in the education arena gives us an edge to provide high quality education to our students as we continue on our way to be recognized as one of the great institution in the world.

Beyond academia, our research impact be it academic, economic and social has led to the improvement of lives and culture of ordinary people, knowledge exchange and an influence on the country’s economy.


Looking Ahead

We think and plan for the future of our learners. Our strategic plan outlines our priorities for the next five years, with the aim of aligning our mission, vision, goals, values and resources within the context of best practices. We continue to invest in the future for our community.