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Dear parents and guardians,

I hope this letter finds you and your family well and hope you are managing the challenging times we are currently living in.

As you know, information about the COVID-19 situation changes daily and it impacts our lives greatly. One of the recent announcements from Premier Ford is that students will not be returning to school on April 6, as previously thought. At this time, an alternate return date has not been determined.

School boards, in partnership with the Schoolplannet, are now working diligently to develop plans for distance learning. I am writing today to communicate to you plan for distance learning, as I know there are many questions from parents regarding how to keep their children learning and connected to their school.

While we do not have all of the answers yet and recognize that there will be some bumps in the road, our staff are working hard to address potential challenges including access to internet and devices. While we already have many online supports for students in place, we have not had the challenge of having all of our students (more than 100 engaged in distance learning at the same time. We ask for your patience as we work through these challenges.

In the upcoming days, classroom teachers will be in contact with our students to check in with them. Please note that phone calls may appear as please answer, it might be us calling! At this time, classroom teachers will be doing a number of things:

What you can do right now

Visit the board website for ELearning learning resources for students to Learn at home. Subscribe to email notifications to receive emails from our school which provide access to learning resource

Write down your child’s usernames and passwords which will be send to your respective phones

The health and safety of our students and staff is always our number one priority. We are working hard to develop a plan to provide and support distance learning for our students



Kamoga Tadeo
